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World Photography Day | Why it is celebrated? | Request from PhotoFia

Capturing photographs is one of the most common things one do in his/her everyday life. Can you even remember how many times a day you open the camera of your phone to click something. No matter what your subject is, you at least click one photo a day. And if you don't, you should.

Capturing photographs is a way great way to express your feelings. There's a famous saying, "A good photograph is worth a thousand words'. This is because it takes a lot of dedication and hard-work to get that one perfect shot. The one who overcome these challenges to click a good photograph is what actually called as a photographer. But there are few misconceptions about photographers. Many people thinks that photography is all about pressing the shutter button of your camera and that's it. Many misuses the term as "Camera Owner". Let me explain you this with a wonderful example I read few days back:

Buy a piano and you aren't automatically a pianist.

Buy a plane and you aren't automatically a pilot.

But buy a camera and you are a photographer.

Dude, you are just a camera owner. Take the lens cap off... you've got a long way to go before you are a real photographer.

Photographer should define to individuals using cameras who are dedicated, show some level of skill, talent, or expertise, and usually persist in taking pictures for extended periods of their life. Many people also think that its camera which matters to take some good photographs. In real, its all about who is behind the camera. The better camera will only help you to get the photographs of better quality. But the knowledge, hard-work and the ability of photographer to get the best result out of his equipment is what matters the most.

World Photography Day is celebrated to admire all the photographers to capture some great moments, stories and memories in a single frame. Apart from this, on this day, you can share the images captured by you with the world. Those photographs will express your feelings or emotions about a particular thing. The day also aims to encourage those who wants to pursue photography as a hobby or career. 

Let me tell you about a brief history of the day. It originates from the invention of daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Louis Daguerre. On January 9, 1839, The French Academy of Sciences made an announcement regarding daguerreotype. After 10 days, the French government got the patents and said that this invention was a gift to the world, without any copyright.

Few photographers with their iconic shots:

Now, have a glance on few photographs which are iconic and are well-known by many people.

  1. V-J Day in Times Square: 

Photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt

In the above photograph, a uniformed sailor grabs a woman from her waist, her back arched dramatically and they kissed. V-J day in Times Square (1945), taken on August 14th in midtown Manhattan by acclaimed life photojournalist Alfred Eisenstaedt, depicts a couple in a romantic, jubilant embrace, just after the news of ending of world war II. They were total strangers. Over the last 74 years, face-recognition specialists, forensic anthropologists and many photography experts have tried to determine who the couple is but their identity still remains a secret.

       2. The Afghan Girl:

Photograph by: Steve McCurry

Above is the portraiture Sharbat Gula which was captured by Steve McCurry in 1984. The strong point of this photograph are those green eyes with the essence of fear and anger in them. The photograph became the human face of conflict in the Middle East and a symbol of defiance in adversity. Afghan Girl represents the suffering of children in war torn countries. Later, it was published on the front page of National Geographic Channel in June 1985.

Request from PhotoFia:

Now, as you know much about World Photography Day and its importance, I on behalf of Team PhotoFia, request you all to please take your camera/mobile (whatever you have) and capture something. Don't spend this day casually as any other day. I know, I've given a proper definition for the term 'photographer' but on the other hand I believe everyone is a photographer. Maybe not a professional one but everyone loves to click the photographs for sure. At least, everyone has captured some photographs of leaves, flowers, clouds or something like that. So I want to request everyone to please share your photographs with us on @photo_fia_ instagram handle and tag us. My team will share your shots on our story. We will also tell you what we found best in your photographs. The photographs can be of any genre. Every amateur or professional photographer is welcomed.

Hope to see some beautiful shots by you all. :)


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