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Showing posts from September, 2020

Basics of Camera || Manual Mode Explained

From previous blogs, you must have known about photography and its various types. Now, let's talk practically about it. Normally, you capture photographs by just clicking the shutter release button and that's it. But sometimes the results you get is not as your expectations. For instance, some shots becomes over-exposed or under-exposed. Some even gets blur while shooting at night. This all happens because the camera is not in your control. It is working automatically. All you are doing is just capturing the shots.  It is always better that you control your camera to get the desired results. This is done by " Manual Mode".  Though there are many different modes in a camera but if you master the manual mode, you won't need to use any of the mode.  Dial Mode of Camera Above you can see a dial showing different modes of a camera. These modes are night, food, sports, close-ups, landscapes, portraits, flash-off and auto. All these modes are fully automatic and their na...